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Daily AI-Generated English Novels & Learning Test Questions

Improve Your English Skills with Daily AI-Generated Novels and Learning Tests

Explore a daily quiz inspired by an AI-generated novel and its accompanying dialogue. Immerse yourself in the story and engage with a series of questions to test your comprehension.

The Defenestration of Prague

generated at 2024-05-23

In the year 2042, the world is a very different place. Technology has advanced at an unprecedented rate, and with it, the potential for conflict has grown exponentially. One such conflict is brewing in the city of Prague. A group of rogue scientists have developed a new type of weapon, one that could potentially destroy the entire city. The government is desperate to stop them, but their efforts have been met with fierce resistance. As the conflict escalates, the rogue scientists take their weapons to the top of Prague Castle. They threaten to use them unless the government meets their demands. The government refuses, and a standoff ensues. Suddenly, one of the scientists loses his footing and falls out of a window. The crowd below gasps in horror. The scientist's death is a turning point in the conflict. It shows the government that the scientists are willing to die for their cause. The government is forced to negotiate with the scientists. They eventually reach an agreement, and the conflict is averted. But the defenestration of Prague serves as a warning to the world. The potential for conflict is always present, and it can erupt at any moment.

(Word Count: 193)


  • Billy:

    I wish I could have been there to see the defenestration of Prague. It sounds like something out of a history book!

  • Kerry:

    I know, right? It's crazy to think that something like that could happen in the modern world.

  • Lui:

    It's a reminder that we can never take peace for granted. Even in the most advanced societies, there is always the potential for conflict.

  • Kerry:

    Yeah, I think it's important to remember that.

  • Meg:

    I wonder what it would have been like to be one of the scientists on the castle. They must have been so scared.

  • Billy:

    I think they were probably more determined than scared. They believed in what they were fighting for.

  • Lui:

    That's true. They were willing to die for their cause.

  • Kerry:

    It's a shame things had to turn out the way they did.

  • Meg:

    I agree. But at least the conflict was averted.


Question 1.

In what year does the story take place?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.

Question 2.

What type of weapon did the rogue scientists develop?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.

Question 3.

What was the turning point in the conflict?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.

Question 4.

What does the defenestration of Prague serve as a warning to the world?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.

Question 5.

Which of the following is NOT a character in the dialogue?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.


[Beta:] Show grammar and vocabulary description for the text.


S + V Pattern

  • The world is a very different place.

A sentence with only a subject and a verb.

S + V + C Pattern

  • The defenestration of Prague serves as a warning to the world.

A sentence with a subject, a verb, and a complement.

S + V + O Pattern

  • One such conflict is brewing in the city of Prague.

A sentence with a subject, a verb, and an object.

S + V + O + O Pattern

    A sentence with a subject, a verb, and two objects.

    S + V + O + C Pattern

    • The government is desperate to stop them, but their efforts have been met with fierce resistance.

    A sentence with a subject, a verb, an object, and a complement.


    • One such conflict is brewing in the city of Prague.
    • The potential for conflict is always present, and it can erupt at any moment.

    A serious disagreement or argument, typically one that involves violence.

    The conflict between the two countries has been going on for years.

    • Technology has advanced at an unprecedented rate, and with it, the potential for conflict has grown exponentially.

    Increasing at a very rapid rate.

    The population of the city has grown exponentially in the last decade.

    • A group of rogue scientists have developed a new type of weapon, one that could potentially destroy the entire city.
    • The rogue scientists take their weapons to the top of Prague Castle.

    A person who is trained in science and who does scientific research.

    The scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in physics.

    • A group of rogue scientists have developed a new type of weapon, one that could potentially destroy the entire city.
    • They threaten to use them unless the government meets their demands.

    An object, such as a gun or a bomb, that is used to kill or injure people or to destroy property.

    The police confiscated a number of weapons from the criminals.

    • The government is desperate to stop them, but their efforts have been met with fierce resistance.
    • The government refuses, and a standoff ensues.

    The group of people who have the power to make and enforce laws in a country or state.

    The government has promised to reduce taxes.

    • The defenestration of Prague serves as a warning to the world.

    The act of throwing someone or something out of a window.

    The defenestration of the two men was a tragic event.

    • The potential for conflict is always present, and it can erupt at any moment.

    The possibility that something will happen or be the case.

    There is the potential for a lot of damage if the dam breaks.

    • The potential for conflict is always present, and it can erupt at any moment.

    To burst forth suddenly and violently.

    The volcano erupted and sent ash and lava into the air.