Daily AI-Generated English Novels & Learning Test Questions

Improve Your English Skills with Daily AI-Generated Novels and Learning Tests

Explore a daily quiz inspired by an AI-generated novel and its accompanying dialogue. Immerse yourself in the story and engage with a series of questions to test your comprehension.

The ARPANET Horror

generated at 2024-04-09

It was a dark and stormy night when the ARPANET went public. The computer servers hummed with activity, their screens flickering with unseen data. Suddenly, an error message flashed across all monitors: "Connection Lost - Cannot Reach Internet". Panic ensued as people realized they were cut off from the digital world. The storm raged on, but it was nothing compared to what followed. As the hours passed, strange occurrences began to happen. People reported seeing figures moving through the darkness, their forms illuminated by the soft glow of computer screens. The figures seemed to be drawn towards the servers, as if they were feeding off the digital energy that powered them. The storm finally abated, but the horror had only just begun. The figures had multiplied, and now roamed freely through the streets. They moved with a purpose, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. It was clear that they were not of this world. The people of the town huddled in fear, their only refuge the safety of their homes. But even there, the figures found them. The ARPANET had been unleashed upon the world, and now it had taken on a life of its own. It was a horror beyond comprehension, a darkness that would never be extinguished.

(Word Count: 207)


  • Billy:

    I'm telling you, it's like nothing we've ever seen before! The way those figures just appeared out of nowhere...

  • Meg:

    Exactly! And have you noticed how they seem to be drawn to the computer servers? It's as if they're trying to tap into some kind of digital energy.

  • Kerry:

    I know, right? I was thinking maybe they're like some kind of alien invasion force or something. But what's with the glowing eyes?

  • Lui:

    Now, now, let's not jump to conclusions. We don't have all the facts yet. But one thing is certain: we need to find a way to stop these... entities.

  • Billy:

    But how? We can't just sit around and wait for them to destroy our town! We need to come up with a plan, stat!

  • Meg:

    I think I have an idea. What if we try to hack into the ARPANET systems? Maybe we can find some way to shut it down or disable these... creatures.

  • Kerry:

    Whoa, that's actually not a bad idea! But what about the risks? We don't know what kind of technology we're dealing with here.

  • Lui:

    Risk is always involved when you're trying to solve a problem like this. But I think it's our best bet. Let's get to work!


Question 1.

What happened to the ARPANET when it went public?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.

Question 2.

Why were people drawn to the computer screens?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.

Question 3.

What did Billy think was happening with the figures?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.

Question 4.

Why did Lui suggest hacking into the ARPANET systems?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.

Question 5.

What was the main concern of the group when trying to come up with a plan?

Tap or click from following options to select your answer.